E.ON, Vattenfall and Atos jointly at a panel discussion
As the leading event of the energy industry, E-world energy & water reflects current topics of the industry. Accordingly, sustainability will take up much space at the trade fair, which is being held at Messe Essen from February 11 to 13. Two agenda items are especially noteworthy: On the first day of the fair, no fewer than three CEOs will reveal their strategies for green energy supply. And on Wednesday the fair will focus on the possible use of hydrogen as a solution approach for the energy transition.
First of all, on Tuesday, February 11, visitors may attend a panel discussion with high-ranking speakers. The panel standing under the headline of “Green Energy Supply for the Future” will include Dr. Johannes Teyssen, CEO, E.ON SE; Magnus Hall, CEO, Vattenfall AB; Ursula Morgenstern, CEO, Atos Information Technology GmbH and Dr. Simone Peter, President of Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie (German Renewable Energy Federation / BEE). The discussion moderated by Dr. Roman Dudenhausen, con|energy Managing Board, addresses the challenges of becoming a green energy supplier. What will energy supply without fossil fuels mean for us and how can the digital transformation help the energy industry become more sustainable? Those are some of the items to be analyzed by the experts. The panel discussion will be held in English and take place on the Smart Tech Forum in Hall 5 from 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm.
Experts present possible hydrogen applications
One approach to face the energy transition is an increased use of hydrogen. Possible solutions will be introduced at the Hydrogen Forum on February 12, 03:30 pm - 06:00 pm, in Saal Berlin (Congress Center West, Messe Essen). Representatives of grid operators, energy suppliers and the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) will present the state of the art, the possibilities in the fields of sector coupling and the storage of electricity from renewable sources as well as the political framework conditions.
In addition, experts will pass on their knowledge during numerous E-world events where visitors are invited to exchange information. The fair-accompanying Congress program alone comprises 17 lectures including “Cyber-attacks on energy suppliers”, the “Glass fiber forum” or “The energy market’s megatrends”. Moreover, visitors to the trade fair are invited to attend topic-specific forums on “Smart Tech”, “Innovation”, “Energy Transition” and “Trading & Finance” with full-day lecture programs.
Please find further information and the complete Congress and forum program under: www.e-world-essen.com