Energy and climate policy positions for the 2021 federal elections

This year's federal election campaign is all about climate and energy policy. Never before have the effects of climate change and the future of our energy supply been such a focus of a federal election, and never before have there been so many energy policy demands and expectations of a new federal government. Regardless of the composition of the next government coalition, the areas of energy and climate will (have to) be central fields of activity in the coming legislature.

As E-world, we have asked around among various industry associations and collected wishes, expectations and demands on the next federal government. They all agree on one point: The next four years will be decisive for the achievement of the climate targets. The expansion of a sustainable, networked and flexible energy system must be driven forward ambitiously in order to strengthen Germany as an innovation leader and position it for the future.

The exhibitors at E-world regularly demonstrate at the trade fair that the energy industry and its partners from neighboring sectors can present appropriate solutions and technologies. Beyond the presentation of market-ready products and services, the professional exchange within the sophisticated conference and forum program also ensures new ideas and continuous further development - because innovations are created where people discuss, inspire and drive each other. As an industry meeting place, E-world offers innovation drivers a stage. The election will show to what extent politics opens up scope for them.

We would like to thank the following associations for their statements:

  • BDEW German Association of Energy and Water Industries e.V.
  • Bitkom e.V.
  • BREKO Federal Association of Broadband Communications e.V.
  • German Renewable Energy Federation e.V. (BEE)
  • German Association for the New Energy Economy e.V. (bne)
  • Association of Municipal Enterprises e. V. (VKU)
  • ZVEI - German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association.

If you already have concrete energy policy ideas and want to know which parties come closest to your wishes, we recommend the energate election check: For the online tool, the energate editorial team compared the positions and election programs of the parties represented in the Bundestag to date and developed 23 theses. These were presented to the parties for voting. Based on your agreement, disagreement or neutrality with the statements, the tool calculates which party corresponds best with you in terms of content. The survey is, of course, anonymous.

You can find the energate election check at

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