Digital solutions change the landscape of the energy economy and are becoming increasingly innovative and user-friendly. This trend is recognised by the Digital Energy Award, which honours the best digital solutions in three categories. The Digital Energy Award is broadening the thematic scope of the Energy App Awards, which have been presented for the past two years to honour innovative energy apps. “After two successful presentation ceremonies, the award has developed further, just like the digital solutions in the sector. That's why the Digital Energy Award 2018 will honour digital solutions, not just apps”, commented Stefanie Hamm, Managing Director of E-world energy & water. E-world energy & water GmbH, alongside con|energy, Google and innogy, are behind the organisation of this industry prize.
Fascinating, innovative and disruptive solutions are sought in three categories, “Customer Engagement”, “New Business Models” and “Lean Operations”. “Customer Engagement” rewards particularly client-friendly solutions which make the user’s day-to-day life easier. “New Business Models” is oriented towards digital solutions which facilitate new and sustainable business models, partnerships or cooperations. In the category “Lean Operations”, the jurors will honour developments which make processes easier through automation, process efficiency or agile organisational development.
Innovative stimuli and technical finesse
The jury will make its assessments based on the criteria “technology”, “concept”, “business impact” and “story”, taking into account current industry developments. The extensive catalogue of criteria, based on which the winners are selected, ensures that the ideas submitted are considered holistically. The eight jurors include Dr Roman Dudenhausen, CEO of con|energy ag, Carl-Ernst Giesting, Senior Vice President of innogy SE and the Managing Director of E-world energy & water GmbH, Stephanie Hamm. The committee also includes Markus Hinz, Sales Director, and Markus Mühlbauer, Product Manager Lead for Corporate Engineering of Google Germany. Other members are Jens Michael Peters, COO of eprimo and Head of Digital innogy Germany, Kuldip Singh, Digital Director of innogy Retail and Veit Scherm, Managing Director of ener|xess, a company in the con|energy group.
The award recipients will be announced on the second day of the E-world energy & water trade fair, 7 February 2018, and the award conferred within the setting of this leading European trade fair for the energy industry.
Applications and deadline for participation
Energy supply companies, public utilities companies, advertising agencies, IT agencies and individual applicants are invited to participate. Applications will be accepted until 1 December 2017.
You can find further information and the online application form on: https://award.e-world-essen.com