What IT solutions are there for the complete billing process in current market roles? The Bundesverband der Energiemarktdienstleister (BEMD) has been looking at this topic in a working group and will present its results.
The requirements of the energy industry and its service-providers for IT solutions, in particular in the area of Meter to Cash, are rising with the challenges of the sector itself. The focus is on orientation towards the newly formed market and flexibility in terms of further regulatory and technical market developments in future on the one hand, cost awareness (key words: licencing policy and models, project cost etc.) and binding timescales for implementation of the many varied requirements (key words: road maps, change in format) on the other.
The aim pursued by BEMD e.V. is to create market transparency with a focus on the “Energy market X.0”, to look at solutions systematically and with an open mind, and to analyse the collective know-how of members (in terms of users, development and consultancy). To achieve this goal, first of all a detailed catalogue of criteria was prepared and sent to 15 IT solution-providers; this was completed by 14 providers. Cooperation with the IT solution-providers worked well, and outstanding questions were clarified through direct contact in several iteration loops.
The results of the working party will be presented in this Forum at the E-world energy & water Congress, including a summary of an event at which the IT solutions-providers will be given the opportunity to present their proposed handling of the challenges set out above in a sales pitch.