Leverkusen, June 13, 2022 | At E-world, dicomsys GmbH presents the new cloud-based multi-channel platform, which was newly developed under the umbrella of the dimater group. In addition to easy system integration into existing customer systems, using a unified REST API, the new gateway offers an improved tool for shipping data and statistics. In addition, Transactional E-Mail and WhatsApp are still to be implemented.
dicomsys GmbH is part of the Leverkusen-based dimater Group. "The range of services of the group of companies includes the services of a fully comprehensive payment service provider, the development and operation of various SaaS solutions in the future industries of energy supply, e-health and e-money, as well as consulting and services in the field of corporate management and administration," explains CSO & Founder Martin Kolisch. "With dimater GmbH as a holding company, we centrally handle all administrative areas of corporate management for the subsidiaries, so that the individual companies can optimally concentrate on their respective service portfolios."
Forward-looking customer-oriented communication solutions
Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, customer communications are in a state of flux: companies need to be able to communicate with their customers – and vice versa – conveniently, quickly and securely on all major channels. "Our new cloud-based multi-channel platform is specifically designed to support companies with innovative individual solutions to address their relevant target groups, based on the latest technologies," explains Sebastian König, Head of Product Management. The messaging solutions for the energy industry range from 2-factor authentication, appointment reminders, meter reading notifications, sending of service information to reminder SMS.
The new gateway is complemented by the direct connection of dicomsys GmbH to all German mobile networks, which guarantees delivery within seconds and worldwide coverage. In addition, all systems and employees are located in Germany, which ensures compliance with all data protection requirements at all times.
The new gateway is constantly being further developed to meet the growing demands of customer communication. The developers of dicomsys are currently working on an extension with transactional e-mails. In the future, automated information should be able to be sent directly from the application. The integration of WhatsApp and e-mail as further communication channels is also planned for this year.
The new gateway and product portfolio will be presented at this year's E-world at the joint stand of dicomsys GmbH and Power PFM GmbH in Hall 2 Stand 203.
Presse contact
Denise Ingenlath
Head of Marketing & Communication
M: +49 151 220 35 996