Web Sessions






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The expansion of decentralized energy generation plants - which is urgently needed from climate protection - requires the coordination of consumers and generators to use flexibility options to stabilize the power grid. The integration of controllable consumers poses great challenges to all parties involved. The current regulation on Redispatch 2.0 creates a first basis and is currently implemented for plants up to 100 kW installed capacity. 

The event will highlight perspectives of grid operations, plant deployment managers and opportunities arising from the use of digital metering infrastructure and control options through smart meter gateways. Further thought will be given to questions such as forecasts of plant and system behaviour and automated control of plant portfolios of smaller power classes based on artificial intelligence. We would like to present approaches to this and obtain your feedback in a discussion.

Event period:
23.06.2021, 10:00 - 12:00

E-world Community
Free of charge
Welcome & Introduction to Fraunhofer CINES
Reinhard Mackensen,
stellvertretender Institutsleiter
Fraunhofer IEE
Challenges of digitalization in grid operation - Redispatch 2.0 as a first step
Sebastian Wende-von Berg,
Gruppenleiter IT-Systeme Netzbetrieb
Fraunhofer IEE
Fit for new processes - Redispatch 2.0 & Co from the perspective of those responsible for deployment
Oliver Warweg,
Gruppenleiter Energieinformatik
Fraunhofer IOSB-AST
Flexibilization of Energy Supply with the Smart Meter Gateway Infrastructure
Robert Kohrs,
Abteilungsleiter Smart Grids
Fraunhofer ISE
Forecasts for the energy industry
Jan Dobschinski,
Abteilungsleiter Energiemeteorologie und Geoinformationssysteme
Fraunhofer IEE
Stefan Klaiber,
Gruppenleiter Cross-sektorale Energiesysteme
Fraunhofer IOSB-AST
Digital Trends in the Energy Industry
End of the event
Program partner

In this lunch break session, George Niland will introduce ChargeUp Europe, the new industry association representing the EV charging sector which works towards the efficient rollout of charging infrastructure to deliver a seamless driving and charging experience for EV drivers.

He will explain why we are at a critical moment for EV charging in Europe, with key policy and legislation upcoming at EU level that will set the framework for charging across the European Union and highlight what ChargeUp Europe is advocating and working for in these new policies. 

Event period:
28.06.2021, 12:00 - 12:45

E-world Community
Free of charge
ChargeUp Europe – Working for the Rollout of EV Charging Infrastructure across the EU
George Niland,
Sprecher der Geschäftsstelle
ChargeUp Europe
End of Event
Program partner

The electrification of the transport sector requires a technology mix of battery and fuel cell vehicles. The use of fuel cells in combination with green hydrogen can also decarbonize energy-intensive applications, for example in the heavy-duty and logistics sector.

With HyWays For Future, EWE AG is coordinating one of the first three nationwide model regions for the integration of hydrogen mobility. The project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), will see the first applications for hydrogen in local public transport, passenger car fleets and in the area of waste collection vehicles with fuel cells enter commercial operation. This will lay the foundation to create a market for green hydrogen in the transport sector in addition to the industrial sector. 

The presentation explains the project and the role of the transport sector in the development of the hydrogen economy.

Event period:
29.06.2021, 12:00 - 12:45

E-world Community
Free of charge
HyWays For Future - Using Green Hydrogen in the Transport Sector
Geert Tjarks,
Geschäftsfeld Wasserstoff
Q & A
End of the Event
Program partner

The transport transition is both a challenge and an opportunity. Public transport is a central component of the environmental network and the most important lever for environmentally friendly mobility. Public utilities and transport companies have the opportunity to position themselves even more attractively in the connected mobility offer of the future through user-centred innovation. With examples and use cases from Germany and around the world, you can expect exciting impulses for the design of sustainable and future-proof business models in the mobility market.

Event period:
30.06.2021, 12:00 - 12:45

E-world Community
Free of charge
From Transport Company to Mobility Service Provider - the Passenger in Future Public Transport
Linus Frank,
Vesputi GmbH
Ben Gallmeister,
Manager Strategische Partnerschaften
Vesputi GmbH
Q & A
End of the Event
Program partner

The market for charging infrastructure for electric cars is developing rapidly. The availability of charging solutions is helping electromobility to achieve sustainable acceptance among the population. At the same time, the punctual load on the network infrastructure increases at peak times. 

Behind-the-meter intelligent charging and energy management systems prevent grid congestion and ensure that charging in fleets and residential properties works smoothly and often without grid expansion. The upstream grid infrastructure remains critical. Through open interfaces, an intelligent charging and energy management system also allows control by the distribution network operator, which means that charging infrastructure can be used as a controllable consumption facility in accordance with the German energy act (EnWG, §14a). In addition, the web session will show how electric cars can stabilize the transmission grid as a virtual power plant.

Event period:
01.07.2021, 12:00 - 12:45

E-world Community
Free of charge
Grid Stabilization through Intelligently Controlled Charging
Matthias Suttner,
Head of Key Account Management Wholesale
The Mobility House GmbH
Q & A
End of the event
Program partner

In view of current developments, it is becoming abundantly clear that the end of combustion engine vehicles has in fact manifested itself. Since politicians in many countries have set the course for electromobility and created strong purchase incentives with subsidy measures, electrically powered vehicles have recorded strong growth potential in the automotive market. 

The battery is indisputably one of the central elements in an electrically powered vehicle. Functionality, reliability, durability, charging time and range of the battery are the performance indicators that influence purchasing decisions and thus determine the success of the product. Furthermore, the battery is the cost driver for e-vehicles today. In addition, questions of system integration arise due to the increased power consumption as well as the further use of used batteries.

In our presentation we want to describe starting points from an IT perspective to create the ecosystem. Harnessing the power of digital twins, blockchain or new platform economies can create significant added value, but require clear strategic choices. Placement in the newly forming ecosystem sets this course.

Event period:
02.07.2021, 12:00 - 12:45

E-world Community
Free of charge
Imagine a Battery Centric Mobility
Matthias Böhmer,
Partner Management Consultant (Manufacturing Market, Global Consulting Industry Leader Automotive, Discrete Manufacturing)
Atos Information Technology
Q & A
End of the Event
Program Partner

The energy transition and new consumer needs present energy suppliers and grid operators with a variety of challenges that often have to do with choosing the right location: Placement of charging stations, strategic network or broadband expansion, and also the identification of potential customer groups for new services.

Experts from the energy sector will give practical insights into how they are already using location intelligence. In this way, you can save resources and expand your competence to act. Participants will be Ms Diana Rauhut (Member of the Board, Mainova AG), Dr Christoph Ullmer (Head of Competence Centre Innovation, Thüga AG) and Dr Christoph Gebele (Co-Founder, Geospin GmbH).

This web session thus gives you an overview of how location intelligence can help with objective data analyses.

Event period:
06.07.2021, 11:00 - 12:00

E-world Community
Free of charge
What is Location Intelligence and what can I use it for?
Christoph Gebele,
Geospin GmbH
How is Location Intelligence used in the energy industry?
Diana Rauhut,
Mitglied des Vorstands
Mainova AG
Christoph Ullmer,
Leiter Kompetenzcenter Innovation
Thüga AG
Christoph Gebele,
Geospin GmbH
End of Event
Program partner

What is keeping the energy industry busy between digital transformation and new business models? In the Data Dialog Bavaria we get to the bottom of the change and ask ourselves: How do I get on the track of the digital customer of tomorrow? Which customer groups do I offer which additional products via which sales channel? How do I synchronize sales, customer service and receivables management for optimized customer management?

Among other things, we will clarify how intelligent data can improve your online offers from the application process to cross-selling and why you should know the economic situation of your customers. Discuss with leading industry representatives and practitioners from sales and receivables management. Get practical tips for dealing with current challenges, the smart use of data and new planning certainties.

Event period:
22.07.2021, 11:00 - 16:00

E-world Community
Free of charge
Welcome and Mission Statement
Philipp Ganzmüller,
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.
Jürgen Winschiers,
Branchenmanager Energie
Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.
Prospects for municipal utilities until 2031 - challenges and opportunities
Jürgen Schmidberger,
Quality of life as a marketing tool?
Tobias Frevel,
Energieforen Leipzig GmbH
Q&A session
Compulsory plugging in the utility industry
Jörg Hunold,
Amtsgericht Medebach
The Challenge of Personnel in Transformation: Retaining-Qualifying-Separating.
Stefan Detzel,
10 k
Q&A session
Lecture 4
Panel discussion
End of the event

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