FAQ for the Digital Program in the E-world Community

The duration of a digital event depends on the chosen format. In a Lunch Break Session, approx. 45 minutes, you can present your topic and answer questions from the audience afterwards. More time is available in panel formats, where several speakers discuss a topic. The maximum duration is 1.5 hours.

The title of your submission should sum up your topic and make us curious what you have to say. In case of acceptance, you still have the possibility to adapt the title afterwards.

In the case of a purely informational event, no costs are incurred for you as program partner. 

If you would like to set an additional promotional focus, e.g. through product presentations, the event is considered a "sponsored session". The costs for this amount to €1,500 and include organizational support and program information via the E-world channels.

Yes, you are welcome to submit several proposals. However, there is no guarantee that all presentations can be included in the digital program.

We will make every effort to respond to your submission shortly. 

Experts of all areas of the European energy sector use the E-world Community as information and exchange platform. Via the navigation point "visitors" you can filter according to your target audience. 

Based on positive experiences, we use Zoom for our digital events. Depending on the format, the webinar or meeting function can be chosen. The audience enters the virtual room via the E-world Community.

When making our selection, we take into account the relevance and topicality of the subject matter as well as the added value for the audience. 

As the E-world team, we know our way around many areas of the energy industry, but not always down to the last detail. If you want to submit a topic with a high level of detail, make sure it is presented in a way that is understandable to non-experts. This will make it easier for us to understand and increase your chance of placement.

There is no obligatory acceptance of the presentation by E-world.

Contact us

Anne Buers+49 201 1022-417buers@conenergy.com Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

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