BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//E-world energy & water GmbH// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220621T120000 DTEND:20220621T133000 LOCATION:Customer Solutions Forum, E-world, Hall 5 DTSTAMP:20220210T134112Z SUMMARY:Green heat with concentrating solar thermal energy - for industrial process heat and district heating networks URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:The switch to green, renewable heat is one of the most under-penetrated sectors of the energy transition. In the industrialized country of Germany, for example, industry has a share of 29 percent of total final energy consumption, almost 75 percent of which is used to generate thermal energy. The vast majority of this is currently generated from fossil fuels. The need for action is enormous. Concentrated solar power (CSP) can make a significant contribution to the heating transition in Germany and Europe. The technology, which is still little known in this country, provides controllable heat between 50 and 430 degrees Celsius and, thanks to the integration of heat storage systems, can also achieve a high level of solar coverage. It is therefore ideally suited for the provision of industrial process heat as well as local and district heating. In this workshop we will show you the possible uses of concentrating solar thermal energy and provide insights into practical projects. UID:20220210T134112Z-20220621T120000-20220621T133000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR