BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//E-world energy & water GmbH// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220622T100000 DTEND:20220622T110000 LOCATION:Customer Solutions Forum, E-world, Hall 5 DTSTAMP:20220409T174725Z SUMMARY:Green solutions for global challenges – towards a sustainable future URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:No country can fully realize the transition to a green future on its own. We must collaborate and learn from each other. Icelandic companies and innovators are active players in the global context when it comes to developing solutions to use in the battle against climate change. Icelanders are experts in many areas, notably in utilizing renewable energy, cascaded use of geothermal, CCUS and more. Our experience has made Icelandic experts sought-after worldwide and put Iceland at the forefront of innovation in the energy and sustainability sectors. Climate issues have no boarders, and the icelandic expertise, knowhow and solutions can be applied anywhere. In that context we would like to gather icelandic players on the stage in Essen at E-world. Green by Iceland celebrates the partnership at E-world 2022, and emphasizes promoting green solutions, strengthening international collaboration, and expanding the discussion on climate solutions and real actions. Together we are stronger and together we can reach a carbon neutral, fossil fuel free and climate friendly future. Join us for short presentations from our participating companies, Q&A, and networking. UID:20220409T174725Z-20220622T100000-20220622T110000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR