BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//E-world energy & water GmbH// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210628T120000 DTEND:20210628T124500 LOCATION:E-world Community DTSTAMP:20210708T001040Z SUMMARY:LUNCH BREAK Mobility: ChargeUp Europe – Working for the Rollout of EV Charging Infrastructure across the EU URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:In this lunch break session, George Niland will introduce ChargeUp Europe, the new industry association representing the EV charging sector which works towards the efficient rollout of charging infrastructure to deliver a seamless driving and charging experience for EV drivers. He will explain why we are at a critical moment for EV charging in Europe, with key policy and legislation upcoming at EU level that will set the framework for charging across the European Union and highlight what ChargeUp Europe is advocating and working for in these new policies.  UID:20210708T001040Z-20210628T120000-20210628T124500 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR