E-world Kick-off offers intensive exchange on energy topics from November 7 to 9

The E-world Kick-off will again take place from November 7 to 9, 2023, to mark the start of E-world energy & water 2024. The three-day digital event is dedicated to current energy topics and offers the industry an opportunity for exchange and networking. The sessions run from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day in the E-world Community and offer valuable impulses from experts as well as initial insights into the topics of the trade fair. Participation is free of charge at www.community.e-world-essen.com/en/p/kick-off.

With the E-world Community, the organizers of E-world, Europe's leading trade fair for the energy industry, offer an information and networking platform all year round. The highlight of the extensive digital program taking place there is the E-world Kick-off. Over the course of three days, experts from the energy sector discuss current and future developments, share their assessments and enter into an exchange with the audience. In addition, E-world visitors can find out which topics will be relevant at the next E-world, which will be held at Messe Essen from February 20 to 22, 2024.

Day 1 focuses on the future role of the state on November 7

The E-world Kick-off begins on Tuesday, November 7, and will focus on the question "What is the future role of the state in energy supply?" on this day. In the wake of the energy crisis, the German government was forced to intervene massively in the energy industry to ensure the country's security of supply. In the meantime, the situation in the industry has stabilized. How it will develop in the coming years and to what extent government intervention in the energy industry infrastructure should be designed in the future will be discussed by a high-caliber panel on the first day of the kick-off.

Moderator Dr. Roman Dudenhausen, CEO of conIenergy ag, will be talking to Stefan Wenzel, Parliamentary State Secretary from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. This will be followed by a panel discussion with Stefan Kapferer, CEO of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Michael D. Lewis, CEO and CSO of Uniper SE, and Prof. Christoph Schmidt, President of RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research.

Global gas markets are the topic on Wednesday, November 8

The second day of the E-world Kick-off will focus on global gas markets in transition. While global decarbonization efforts are urgently calling for a reduction in natural gas production, new gas fields are being developed in parallel to continue to meet energy demand. At the same time, a hydrogen industry is developing that is seen as having the potential to replace natural gas almost entirely. Whether these plans come true or not, they are already changing the gas market and will continue to shape it in the coming years.

On Wednesday, November 8, energy journalist Dr. Heiko Lohmann will therefore analyze the current world market situation for gas together with his discussion partners Prof. Jonathan Stern, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, György Domokos Vargha, CEO of MET International AG, Dr. Kirsten Westphal, Member of the Executive Board at BDEW, and Dr. Georg Zachmann, Senior Fellow at Bruegel AISBL.

E-world Kick-off Day 3 sheds light on a successful heat turnaround in Germany

On Thursday, November 9, Sascha Schlosser, Managing Director of LBD Beratungsgesellschaft Berlin, will join his guests in providing impetus for a successful heat transition. Although heat pumps and green local heating are already standards in new buildings, the progress of the existing building stock remains largely unchanged. The upcoming E-world Kick-off will therefore explore constructive approaches for a successful heat transition, focusing in particular on the multi-faceted stakeholders.

The session will start with Sascha Schlosser's presentation on "Municipal heat planning – from duty to freestyle. Recognizing and exploiting opportunities for business development as an energy supplier." Afterwards, Andreas Gabriel, Team Leader Product and Project Manager at MVV Energie, Dr. Holger Krawinkel, Freelance Consultant Spatial Planning - Energy - Transportation and Uta Weiß, Program Manager Buildings and Heat Networks at Agora Energiewende, will comment on the question: "One plan, many planners – how does municipal heat planning become a success for all involved?" Using the concrete example of a major German city, the various players, challenges and solutions will be highlighted.

All three events will be interpreted and can be followed in livestream in German and English. Registration is possible at any time at www.community.e-world-essen.com/en/events/communityEvents 

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