As renewable energy sources increasingly reach market maturity, their regulatory and economic framework conditions are changing comprehensively. This makes it necessary to adapt the business models used to date, and throws up the question of new (additional) income sources. At the same time, renewables are playing an ever greater role in power generation in Germany as well as in France, and are taking over responsibility for the stability of the electricity system.
The Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition (DFBEW) and the European Power Spot Market Exchange EPEX SPOT will discuss these developments on 7 February at the Innovation Forum, and present innovative approaches to market and system integration of renewable energies in France and Germany. The following business models will be discussed:
- First experiences after the introduction of direct marketing in France
- Further development of calls for tender for wind and PV systems in Germany
- Demand Response and the French capacity market
- System services for renewable energies
- This event will take place in German and French with simultaneous interpreting.
The free registration and program are available here.